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The Divine Comedy


Skillfully introduced by author Rod Dreher, Dante’s The Divine Comedy will, we believe, prove a worthy travel companion in your own earthly pilgrimage. We offer this Trinity Forum Reading as just one example of the resources we provide to our members to sharpen their understanding, grow their faith, and equip them to live and lead wisely and well.

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The Divine Comedy

This epic poem, considered one of the greatest works of literature, opens with a plaintive scene of a middle-aged pilgrim who has lost his way in life. Oppressed and perplexed by his own bad choices and bent nature, he finds himself alone in a dark wood, surrounded by danger. The story of his pilgrimage through the Inferno – where the consequences of sin are fully realized – and Purgatory, where the proclivity towards sin is expunged, plunges the reader into a deeper understanding of the dark recesses in his own heart and dangers to his soul. And the pilgrim’s final journey to paradise is among the world’s most compelling depictions of the beauty of divine love.

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