Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Trinity Forum is throwing a party! We hope you will join us next month as we celebrate our 20th anniversary, and a generation’s worth of the work of the Trinity Forum.
The 20th Anniversary Founders’ Gala will be held at the beautiful Corcoran Museum of Art in Washington, DC to honor our founders, Os Guinness and Al McDonald, as well as the many other men and women whose vision for and commitment to the Forum has made the work of the last twenty years possible.Since the creation of the Trinity Forum in 1991, thousands of forums, discussions, retreats, and gatherings have been held across the world to provide opportunities for reflection and conversation about life’s most important issues.
It is an exciting vision still. The mission of providing intellectual and spiritual development for leaders and to offer opportunities to grapple with life’s biggest questions in the context of faith remains essential and compelling.
The need for such work is great. We are an increasingly distracted society, overwhelmed with information, obligations, and competing commitments, desperately in need of reflection and discernment. We are move virtually connected than ever, but also, studies show, more lonely and isolated. Our airwaves are full of talking heads, but we seem to have lost our ability to engage in meaningful, civil public discourse. Many of the crises of our time have been caused, or at least exacerbated, by precisely such distraction, short-term thinking, frayed social bonds, and polarization. The Founders’ Gala will celebrate our founders’ vision and efforts to provide the intellectual and spiritual resources needed to enable leaders to live and lead wisely and well – and in doing so, contribute to the transformation of society.
There is much to celebrate – and much work still to do. We hope you will join us!