The Trinity Forum reaches thousands of thinking Christians by helping them engage in public thought and discourse for the benefit of our society. Through your sponsorship, we’re able to meet the urgent need for the space and intellectual resources to consider life’s greatest questions in the context of faith. Please reach out with questions about the sponsorships in the following areas:

Trinity Forum Readings ($5,000 sponsorship)

Sponsorships include:

  • Named recognition on the copyright page;
  • Up to 200 copies of the sponsored Reading;
  • Renewal of your Trinity Forum Society membership;
  • Five Trinity Forum Society memberships to share.

Christmas Reading:

Our Christmas Reading will be G.K. Chesterton’s “The Strangest Story in the World.”

Online Conversations ($2,500 sponsorship)

Sponsorships include:

  • Named recognition on the invitation and registration page;
  • A signed copy of the guest’s featured book (if applicable);
  • Renewal of your Trinity Forum Society membership;
  • Five Trinity Forum Society memberships to share.
Podcasts ($1,500 sponsorship)
Sponsorships include:
  • Named recognition on the podcast;
  • Listed sponsorship in the advertising;
  • Renewal of your Trinity Forum Society membership;
  • Five Trinity Forum Society memberships to share.

For more information about the Trinity Forum Conversations Podcast and details about upcoming episodes, contact Campbell Vogel.

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