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Love, Justice, and Suffering: The Legacy of MLK In our inaugural Community Conversation, panelists Cheryl Sanders, David Bailey, and Bill Haley discuss the continuing legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Hosted at Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C. on April 30, 2017. WHAT WE'RE READING Sign-up for a free one month trial of our daily
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Civility in the Public Square: Cultivating Community Amidst Deep Divisions During this Evening Conversation on "Civility in the Public Square: Cultivating Community Amidst Deep Divisions," Michael Wear, the author of "Reclaiming Hope" shares how to build bridges across the lines that divide us in politics, business, and in our local communities. Responding to Wear is
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Faith and Holistic Poverty Alleviation The Trinity Forum partnered with Montgomery Bell Academy and St. Paul Christian Academy to host HOPE International CEO Peter Greer to speak on “Faith and Holistic Poverty Alleviation” at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville. WHAT WE'RE READING Sign-up for a free one month trial of our daily email.
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A Symposium: The Future of Christian Higher Education In this special Symposium in partnership with Gordon College, panelists Shirley Hoogstra, Michael Lindsay, and Pete Wehner discuss the unique nature and value of a Christian liberal arts education in intellectual and spiritual formation, challenges to the liberal arts in general and a faith-based liberal arts approach
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To Love Our Neighbor: Faith and Flourishing in a World of Need. This Evening Conversation features World Vision President Richard Stearns and Hope International CEO Peter Greer as co-keynoters and discussants on "To Love Our Neighbor: Faith and Flourishing in a World of Need." This event is part of the Trinity Forum series on "Faith
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