In the context of the pagan classical world, the Christian faith was a shocking, even unfathomable inversion of the values systems and structures of the time, and its explosive growth unimaginable. Yet in today’s world, Christianity is often considered boring or backwards. How might we better discern and understand the radicalism of Christianity’s origins, its
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Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges are surging among both young and old. By some estimates, more than one in five American adults struggle with some form of mental illness each year. There are few untouched – either directly or through loved ones – with the suffering that attends such struggles. What does faith
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C.S. Lewis famously credited G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man as a key step in his turn from atheism to Christian faith. The book audaciously surveyed the broad sweep of human history, then zeroed in on the Incarnation of Christ. How, Chesterton asked, could such a mysterious and startling event come to be known as the
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Is our Constitution part of the problem we face, or part of the solution? In a time of polarization, anger, and confusion, some argue that its design, requiring dialogue and compromise, no longer works. What can history teach us about whether the constitutional order can help us to navigate deep differences and pursue “a more
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What does it mean to flourish? On October 18, we hosted Dr. Byron Johnson, the leader of the landmark Global Flourishing Study, to explore the foundations of flourishing—including happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, relationships, and character and virtue—and the role that faith plays in the generation and cultivation of
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The appropriation of Christian images and language by extremists who advocate violence has become a shocking feature of our time. Surveys show alarming numbers of people who self-identify as religious expressing openness to political violence. Against such a distortion of Christian witness, how can we faithfully live out our calling to be people of peace?
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What does wisdom mean for Christians in an age of polarization, cynicism, and distrust? In confronting the unique concerns of our time, what can help us become wise? Dr. Francis S. Collins joined us to discuss his new book, The Road to Wisdom, illuminating how truth, science, faith, and trust work together to help us
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Religious freedom is a core value for most American Christians. What can we do to live it out? Should we support it only for our fellow Christians, or for everyone, everywhere? Knox Thames joined us to discuss his new book, Ending Persecution: Charting the Path to Global Religious Freedom. Nicole Bibbins Sedaca of Freedom House,
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Do you read poetry? If so, you are in the minority. Recent data shows that less than 12% of American adults read or listened to poems in the past year. Yet roughly a third of the Bible is written in verse. In today’s world, what does poetry have to offer believers? In his new book,
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``What's Wrong With Christian Nationalism?`` With Paul D. Miller https://ttf.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/PaulMillerPep-1024x1024.png ALL CATEGORIES https://ttf.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/WhatsWrongWithChristianNationalism.mp3 Christian nationalism is all over the news as public figures daily endorse or denounce it. But what exactly is Christian nationalism? How does it differ from patriotism? And what happens when we misunderstand the relationship between Christianity and the American nation? In
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