Augustine’s Confessions


Order our 2019 Christmas Reading featuring selections from Augustine’s Confession with an insightful foreword by James K.A. Smith, author of On the Road with St. Augustine.


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Augustine's Confessions

This Reading features selections from Augustine’s Confessions with an insightful introduction by philosopher and editor-in-chief of Image Journal James K. A. Smith.

Composed over 1500 years ago, the Confessions of an ancient African Bishop may well surprise with their power and perceptiveness. Augustine’s excavations of the distorted longings of his own wayward heart fascinate because they resonate — and provide insight into our own internal conflicts, chaos, and confusion. As Augustinian philosopher James K.A. Smith notes in his insightful introduction: “One of the best ways to approach the Confessions is as a literary road trip of sorts, the travelogue of a wandering, wayward soul, looking for home.”

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