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Classic Literature Collection


This Reading Collection introduces you to the best short stories and fiction that point us to deeper truths.

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Classic Literature

This Trinity Forum Reading Collection includes:

Brave New World | Aldous Huxley’s compelling novel is well worth pondering, and an impetus to reflect on the means of resisting the consumerism, sensationalism, and distraction that characterize our own time.

The Golden Key | This fairy tale by George MacDonald  tells of the boy Mossy who finds a golden key at the edge of a forest and sets out to discover its lock.  

Hannah & Nathan | Excerpts from Hannah Coulter, a novel set in Wendell Berry’s fictional Port William, Kentucky, as Hannah narrates the events surrounding her courtship and marriage with Nathan Coulter after the death of her first husband in World War II.

How Much Land Does a Man Need? | A short story written later in Tolstoy’s life after a profound spiritual crisis and deals with the sometimes insidious and sometimes overt destructiveness of greed.

Purchase of a Soul | An excerpt from the beginning of Victor Hugo’s beloved novel Les Miserables which chronicles the events that led to the radical transformation of its hero, Jean Valjean. 

Revelation | O’Connor’s short story is an example of her characteristic “comedy of the grotesque” and portrays a woman blind to her own pride and self-satisfaction.

The Grand Inquisitor | A chapter from Dostoevsky’s great novel The Brothers Karamazov, is a modern parable told by the doubting brother Ivan that deals with ideas of human nature and freedom.

Tale of Two Cities | This excerpt from Charles Dickens’ classic tale is set in the apex of the brutality and terror of the French Revolution, but it is nevertheless an inspiring tale of courage, redemption, grace, and the overwhelming power of love, which exceeds and transforms even the worst of injustice and evil.

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