Evening Conversation | How Did We Get Here? Our Crisis of Solidarity with James Davison Hunter and Bill Haslam

For most of US history, the tensions between an abstract commitment to justice and flourishing and a political reality that so often fell far short were held within a shared sense of unity and solidarity around the ideals of the American experiment. Why is this now unraveling, creating the civic conflict, disorientation, and exhaustion we see today? What part has faith played in our historical solidarity — what part can it play in recovering what we’ve lost?

James Davison Hunter and former governor Bill Haslam help us understand this story. Dr. Hunter is the author of the new book Democracy and Solidarity: On the Cultural Roots of America’s Political Crisis and Gov. Haslam authored Faithful Presence: The Promise and Peril of Faith in the Public Square.

This event was held in partnership with Montgomery Bell Academy and St. Paul Christian Academy.