For most of US history, the tensions between an abstract commitment to justice and flourishing and a political reality that so often fell far short were held within a shared sense of unity and solidarity around the ideals of the American experiment. Why is this now unraveling, creating the civic conflict, disorientation, and exhaustion we
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Can America’s civic crisis be fixed? For most of US history, the tensions between an abstract commitment to justice and flourishing and a political reality that so often fell far short were held within a shared sense of unity and solidarity around the ideals of the American experiment. Why has this now unraveled, creating the
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Is character formation really necessary in our time? Historically, our families, schools and churches have seen this work as central to their missions. Yet today spiritual and character formation are often seen as impractical or antiquated in an age of self-realization. For those who believe that deeply rooted formation is needed -- and even urgent -- today, how do
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What experiences of spiritual and character formation can prepare us for a time of testing? If the habits and practices developed in our private lives are suddenly drawn out "on great fields," how can we be ready to stand firm? Joshua Chamberlain, a mild-mannered Bowdoin College professor, shocked his colleagues when he volunteered for the
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In a world preoccupied with political battles, culture wars, commercial competition, and status seeking, why should we care about beauty? What does it mean to pursue the good, true, and beautiful — and what difference would it make in real, everyday life? Poet Dana Gioia and visual artist Makoto Fujimura are uniquely equipped to consider
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The relentless pull and pressure of partisan antagonisms and tribalism have fractured friendships, families, communities — and churches. In a time of conflict over what is good and confusion over what is true, what can church leaders do to cultivate a more faithful form of civic engagement? How can we learn to discern the call
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Evening Conversation | Science, Faith, Trust, and Truth with Francis Collins We live in confusing times. Between being awash in data, pummeled with misinformation, surrounded by spin, and addled by an outrage industry, even the most discerning can find it difficult to know what to trust, who to listen to, and how to sift conflicting information streams.
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Evening Conversation | Healing a Divided Culture with Arthur Brooks In his book, Love Your Enemies best-selling author, thought leader, and professor Arthur Brooks blends cutting-edge behavioral research and ancient wisdom to offer a better way to bridge divides and mend relationships. On March 28th, The Trinity Forum host an Evening Conversation to explore how to
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Evening Conversation | Beyond Ideology with Peter Kreeft and Eugene Rivers What is ideology? What do our ideological frameworks help reveal about ourselves, others, and the world around us — and what do they obscure? What are the consequences of an era when seemingly every human issue is viewed through an ideological lens, and if there’s
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