Evening Conversation | The Courage To Teach Character

Is character formation really necessary in our time? Historically, our families, schools and churches have seen this work as central to their missions. Yet today spiritual and character formation are often seen as impractical or antiquated in an age of self-realization. For those who believe that deeply rooted formation is needed — and even urgent — today, how do we muster the courage to pursue it when our culture doubts its value and legitimacy?

Wake Forest professor, author, and director of the The Program for Leadership and CharacterMichael Lamb wrestles with such challenges, exploring how character formation enables leaders to establish trust, think wisely, empower others, and persevere through difficult times.

In partnership with Montgomery Bell Academy and St. Paul Christian Academy, The Trinity Forum held an Evening Conversation Tuesday, December 5 with Michael to better understand how character is formed and how it can contribute to personal, communal, and civic flourishing.