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The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory with Tim Alberta American Christians are certainly not immune to the anger, division, and fear that characterize our political moment. For many, the prospect of another election year is a source of dread or of numb exhaustion; others have responded with aggression or defensiveness. On our podcast, author
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Connecting Spiritual Formation and Public Life with Michael Wear In the midst of what is proving to be a frustrating, fractious, and even frightening election year, how can Christians best respond to the situation in front of us, and how can we offer a positive contribution to our common, public life? Drawing on the life
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Making as a Spiritual Practice with Makoto Fujimura If at the center of reality is a God whose love is a generative, creative force, how do humans made in God’s image begin to reflect this beauty and love in a world rent by brokenness and ugliness? What can human making possibly do to restore what
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What does it mean to walk with God? The spiritual life is so often described as a walk, journey, or pilgrimage that it can be easy to dismiss the practice of walking as a mere metaphor. But in God Walk, author, pastor, and professor Mark Buchanan explores the way that the act of walking has
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What if we viewed reading as not just a personal hobby or a pleasurable indulgence but as a spiritual practice that deepens our faith? In her book, Reading for the Love of God, award-winning author and Trinity Forum Senior Fellow Jessica Hooten Wilson explores how Christian thinkers—including Augustine, Julian of Norwich, Frederick Douglass, and Dorothy
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Pursuing Humility, with Richard Foster and Brenda Quinn In an age when self-promotion is often celebrated as a sign of leadership and strength, humility may seem a lost virtue. Or alternatively, a form of moral condolence for the less successful. In his recent work, Learning Humility, theologian Richard Foster argues that humility is actually strength,
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Word Beneath the Words with Malcolm Guite We’re joined on our podcast by poet, priest and songwriter, Malcolm Guite. With grace and insight, Malcolm has written beautifully of the mystery, imaginative force of language and the ways in which our imaginations apprehend truth that our reason cannot fully comprehend: “Jesus says, love the Lord your
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Music, Creativity & Justice with Ruth Naomi Floyd How should we live faithfully within a world created to be good and beautiful, and yet everywhere is marred by ugliness and injustice? Jazz vocalist and composer Ruth Naomi Floyd joins our podcast to discuss the intersection of music, creativity, and justice, and to help us think
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