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The Gospels speak often of following Jesus and becoming his disciples. But what does it mean – millennia later and half a world away – to follow after Christ? Drawing from his new book Practicing the Way, John Mark Comer explores the depths of the three seemingly simple steps he describes to becoming a disciple:
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“In my experience, the worst despair is meaninglessness,” says Christian Wiman. “It's not necessarily thinking that you're going to die. It's the feeling that life has been leeched of meaning.” In his new book, Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair, the acclaimed poet chases meaning through words, including memoir and poetry. Wiman returned
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As we seek to faithfully navigate the challenges of a polarized and partisan 2024, we each confront the question: how do we learn to disagree wisely and well? Can people of faith model robust dialogue–and preserve relationships–in good faith without surrendering or downplaying our convictions? John Inazu's latest book, Learning to Disagree, draws from experiences
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In a world of hurt, what power do we have in our own small spheres to face the pain around us and offer hope, healing, and comfort? Do we need epic plans – or can we begin the work of repair with something as simple as a meal, an open home or a handwritten letter?
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Life has changed dramatically in the 400 years since John Donne wrote his Devotions. Yet despite the advances of the intervening centuries, we find that, like Donne, we are still subject to sickness and death. We still long for comfort. We still want to know what God is saying to us. Philip Yancey found surprisingly
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The gospels are replete with stories of Christ healing those who are sick and disabled. Thousands of years later, despite our medical and social advances and a thriving wellness industry, individuals and communities are still hurting. What do those gospel stories say to us now, amidst broken relationships and hurting bodies? How can the work
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American Christians have not been immune to the anger, division, and fear that characterize this political moment. For many, the prospect of another election year is a source of dread or of numb exhaustion; others have responded with aggression or defensiveness. Reflecting on our recent history, what can we learn from the varied responses? How
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What makes a good life? What habits of attention, reflection, and action orient us towards knowing, desiring, and doing what is good, true, and beautiful? Such “big questions” may seem unanswerable and intimidating — but their exploration is at the heart of the human quest for meaning. Drawing on his popular Yale course, theologian Miroslav
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How does the kind of people we are as Christians affect our participation in civic life? What would it look like for believers to be a countercultural force in an era of polarization and division, rather than simply another interest group supporting its chosen political teams? And how can our institutions provide spiritual formation to
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We started the new year with an exploration of the word — the Word made flesh, and the words we use each day. Why are words so central for God’s design for our world? Can the creative acts of speaking and writing provide a window into what it means to be created in the image
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