Kristin Lavransdatter


Sigrid Undset’s extraordinary trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter illustrates the power of story to both illuminate and transform. Over the course of the novels, composed a century ago and set 600 years earlier, the reader follows the life of the titular character as she grows from an ardent youngster to defiant young woman to determined mother and estate manager to her eventual death from the black plague. The novel’s power comes not from hairpin plot twists, but instead, in the words of introduction author, scholar, and Trinity Forum Senior Fellow Jessica Hooten Wilson, from “the honesty, beauty, and haunting depiction of a soul in pursuit of sanctification.”

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Kristin Lavransdatter

We are pleased to offer our new Trinity Forum Reading, Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset with an illuminating introduction from Trinity Forum Senior Fellow Jessica Hooten Wilson.

Sigrid Undset’s extraordinary trilogy Kristin Lavransdatter illustrates the power of story to both illuminate and transform. Over the course of the novels, composed a century ago and set 600 years earlier, the reader follows the life of the titular character as she grows from ardent youngster to defiant young woman to determined mother and estate manager to her eventual death from the black plague. The novel’s power comes not from hairpin plot twists, but instead, in the words of introduction author and scholar Jessica Hooten Wilson, from “the honesty, beauty, and haunting depiction of a soul in pursuit of sanctification.”

Kristin Lavransdatter has proved transformative not only to a century’s worth of readers, but also to the author herself, leading to both a Nobel Prize and her own reception into the Roman Catholic Church.

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