Pages from TFR 39 Wodehouse v2

Joy Cometh in the Morning


This Trinity Forum Reading features “Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend,” a short story by P. G. Wodehouse with a Foreword by Joseph Bottum, former editor of the journal First Things.

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Joy Cometh in the Morning

This Trinity Forum Reading features “Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend,” a short story by P. G. Wodehouse with a Foreword by Joseph Bottum, former editor of the journal First Things.

“Lord Emsworth and the Girl Friend” gives us a taste of a world that never quite existed—but should have. Bottum, in his Foreword, suggests something about the power of Wodehouse’s light but perfectly crafted words, thrown in the teeth of the waste land that was the twentieth century, and claims that Wodehouse is Western civilization’s best answer to Friedrich Nietzsche.

Read this for some perspective on what’s important in life—or better, read it for sheer enjoyment.

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