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In the midst of our heated contemporary geopolitical debates over immigration and refugee policy, it is all too easy to forget that the challenges around migration are as old as human sojourning, and the Bible speaks directly to the faithful about our orientation to and care for the strangers in our midst, with story after
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What does it mean to walk with God? The spiritual life is so often described as a walk, journey, or pilgrimage that it can be easy to dismiss the practice of walking as a mere metaphor. But in God Walk, author Mark Buchanan explores the way that the act of walking has profound implications for
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We are in an anxious age. By some estimates, a third of all Americans will struggle with anxiety in their lives, and nearly 20% currently suffer from an anxiety disorder. For those suffering the mental distortions of anxiety, life can be difficult, and hope elusive. And for many Christians who have tried and failed to
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We don't often talk about the courage required to face ordinary life. Such common human challenges as sorrow, despair, anxiety, and mental illness may cause us to experience life more as a burden than a gift. For many, this struggle is a constant one. In his new book, On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden
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In a world preoccupied with political battles, culture wars, commercial competition, and status seeking, why should we care about beauty? What does it mean to pursue the good, true, and beautiful — and what difference would it make in real, everyday life? Poet Dana Gioia and visual artist Makoto Fujimura are uniquely equipped to consider
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What if we viewed reading as not just a personal hobby or a pleasurable indulgence but as a spiritual practice that deepens our faith? In her new book, Reading for the Love of God, award-winning author and Trinity Forum Senior Fellow Jessica Hooten Wilson explores how Christian thinkers—including Augustine, Julian of Norwich, Frederick Douglass, and
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From our earliest years, we are steeped in story. Family members, friends, books, and movies all form and fill our imagination with narrative, possibility, and new worlds. We know intuitively that story shapes us, but how? How might we think about cultivating an imagination that enlivens the mind and fortifies one’s character? Dr. Vigen Guroian
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The relentless pull and pressure of partisan antagonisms and tribalism have fractured friendships, families, communities — and churches. In a time of conflict over what is good and confusion over what is true, what can church leaders do to cultivate a more faithful form of civic engagement? How can we learn to discern the call
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How can we understand the rise and fall of well known Christian leaders in recent years? Is it a result of higher standards and more scrutiny? An inevitable result of trusting fallen humans? Or are other influences at work? Katelyn Beaty, the award-winning author of Celebrities for Jesus, wrestles with such questions by exploring how
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It's easy to be caught in the trap of perfectionism, especially when those around us seem to have it all together. But we can find ourselves alone and discouraged when things don't go as we've planned, and the lives we actually have fail to resemble those we’d hoped to lead. In her recently released book
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