Healing a Divided Culture: An Evening Conversation with Arthur Brooks


In his book, Love Your Enemies best-selling author, thought leader, and professor Arthur Brooks blends cutting-edge behavioral research and ancient wisdom to offer a better way to bridge divides and mend relationships. We invite you to join us on Monday, March 28th from 6pm-8pm at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville, TN for an Evening Conversation with Arthur on how to love those we disagree with and be agents of redemption and reconciliation amidst a divisive time. 

The evening will begin with appetizers and drinks at 6:00pm, followed by remarks and audience questions.


We are grateful to our event sponsors for their support of this event: 

David & Ashley Edwards
Eric & Eleanor Osborne
Lee & Mary Barfield
Kevin & Jessica Douglas
Gif & Anna Thornton
Ed & Molly Powell

Charis Foundation
The Creed and Culture Fund

Sims-Funk, PLC
Gaw Properties, Inc.

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