Evening Conversation | Learning to Disagree with John Inazu


Whether in our neighborhoods, churches, schools, or even families, we are all feeling the strain of polarization and division–which will likely intensify over the next several months. The question has grown increasingly urgent: is avoiding honest conversation the only way to preserve our relationships? Can we dialogue in good faith across disagreement without surrendering or hiding our convictions?

John Inazu addressed these questions with us in Nashville. His latest book, Learning to Disagree, draws from experiences teaching in two areas of deep division: law and religion, and criminal law. Through powerful stories, John won’t tell us what to believe, but he will help us to change the way we engage with the people we disagree with–even when the disagreements are deep.

In partnership with Montgomery Bell Academy and St. Paul Christian Academy, The Trinity Forum hosted an Evening Conversation with John on May 8 to explore how we can navigate differences with empathy and respect.