What We Are About:
The Trinity Forum convenes leading thinkers and thinking leaders to consider and discuss life’s great questions in the context of faith. Trinity Forum Society members interact with some of the most distinguished thinkers on the arts, sciences, business, cultural engagement, and more, and will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded leaders from around the world.
Members of the Trinity Forum Society form the cornerstone of the wider Trinity Forum community. Those who join receive special invitations to different Trinity Forum events, copies of each new Trinity Forum Reading, as well as other thought pieces. The Society connects members with the timeless ideas and writings that provide context and insight to current events.
The Trinity Forum Society‘s members play key roles in advancing the mission of the Trinity Forum by sharing Readings and thought pieces with their peers, leading Trinity Forum City Groups or hosting Trinity Forum Conversations, and joining other efforts for personal and cultural renewal.
Society Levels and Benefits
Member: $100 (annual gift of $100 or more)
- Annual subscription for Trinity Forum Readings released quarterly (four Readings will be sent during a membership cycle);
- Monthly podcast series with thought leaders;
- Daily “What We’re Reading” e-mail subscription;
- One gift membership to share.
Friend: $500
- All benefits of a Member plus:
- Three gift memberships to share;
- A free Trinity Forum Readings collection (choice of Trinity Forum’s Great Thoughts or Great Questions collection);
- Bring a friend for free to all Trinity Forum Evening Conversations for the year (normally $25 per event).
Patron: $1,000
Young Patrons (35 and under): $500
- All benefits of a Friend plus:
- Five gift memberships to share.
- Invitations to VIP speakers receptions.
Sponsor: $5,000
Young Sponsors (35 and under): $2,500
- All benefits of a Patron plus:
- 10 gift memberships to share;
- Invitations to select private dinners with TTF speakers;
- Recognition as a sponsor on Trinity Forum’s website (optional).
Benefactor: $10,000
Young Benefactors (35 and under): $5,000
- All benefits of a Sponsor plus:
- Up to 20 gift memberships to share;
- Recognition as a benefactor in Trinity Forum’s event programs;
- Invitation to the Board of Trustees dinner with extraordinary speakers.
Organizational Membership: $2,500
Organizational Memberships are a unique Trinity Forum membership package that provide leaders with opportunities to engage their organization with publications, programs, and people that encourage intellectual and spiritual development. They provide support from a community of like-minded leaders, and extraordinary resources on the themes of character, leadership, civil society, and philanthropy – among others – to benefit their organization and clients.
Trinity Forum Society Organizational Memberships include:
- 100 copies of each Trinity Forum Reading published quarterly to share with your colleagues and clients;
- A Patron-level membership in the Trinity Forum Society for the President of the organization; includes invitations to events, exclusive podcast interviews with thought-leaders, and a daily “What We’re Reading” e-mail subscription.
- 5 Trinity Forum Society Gift Memberships to share!