All posts tagged: online conversation
Renewing the Joy of Advent: an Online Conversation with Hannah Anderson Each year, Advent invites us to enter into the joy of the season through rhythms of remembrance and renewal. But often, our very familiarity with the Advent story can leave us dulled to the miracle and joy of the season. In her new Advent
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The Blessings of Limitations: an Online Conversation with Kelly Kapic We live in an age of speed and overwhelm, where we often feel we are constantly expected to do more, move faster, work harder, brush past boundaries and limits, and shave margins. When we inevitably fail to meet all demands, we are left feeling not
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In an age where overt narcissism and oversized egos are often celebrated as a sign of decisive leadership, humility may seem a lost virtue, or a form of moral condolence for the less successful. But in his new work Learning Humility, Richard Foster argues that learning humility is more needed than ever, and is “the one
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What does it mean to love our country? Is there a difference between patriotism and Christian nationalism? How should Christians navigate the tensions between allegiance to the kingdom of God and their nation, and avoid the dangers of both idolatry and disengagement? On November 4th, at 1:30 p.m. ET, we invite you to join us for
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The question “How do I know what’s true?” comes up with increasing frequency and urgency in our time of angry polarization, deliberately-stoked outrage, and earned distrust. There is money to be made and a growing market for the kind of misinformation that reinforces our views and confirms our preconceptions — as well as a large
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Cultivating a Life of Learning: an Online Conversation with Zena Hitz How can we cultivate the habits and discipline required for a life of learning, especially in an age of distraction? And is such a life really worth it? Zena Hitz, humanities scholar and author of Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life,
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How to Inhabit Time: an Online Conversation with James K.A. Smith Time often seems a scarce resource — one we increasingly attempt to stretch, squeeze, prolong, or kill. Yet for all of our attempted manipulation of time, we increasingly sense we are living “nowhen” — disconnected from the past and distracted from the present —leaving
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The State of Religious Freedom: An Online Conversation with Stanley Carlson-Thies and Kristina Arriaga The right to religious freedom is a central tenet of American democracy and one of the first rights enshrined in the Constitution. But what that means, how far that freedom extends, the threats that undermine its practice, and the proper protections around
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The Fall, the Founding, and the Future of American Democracy: An Online Conversation with Tracy McKenzie What did America's founders believe about human nature? How might a deeper understanding of their perspective shape the way we think about our current and future challenges to democracy? Join us Friday, August 19 at 1:30 pm ET, as we
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Jazz, Hope, and the Gospel: An Online Conversation with William Edgar, Ruth Naomi Floyd, and Carl Ellis Jazz music has the power to express the deepest meanings of life. Its rich history and distinctive elements like improvisation and syncopation reflect the complexity and richness of the human experience. In his new work, A Supreme Love:
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