In the context of the pagan classical world, the Christian faith was a shocking, even unfathomable inversion of the values systems and structures of the time, and its explosive growth unimaginable. Yet in today’s world, Christianity is often considered boring or backwards. How might we better discern and understand the radicalism of Christianity’s origins, its
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The Strangest Story in the World: G.K. Chesterton & the Incarnation C.S. Lewis famously credited G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man as a key step in his turn from atheism to Christian faith. The book audaciously surveyed the broad sweep of human history, then zeroed in on the Incarnation of Christ. How, Chesterton asked, could such
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Anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges are surging among both young and old. By some estimates, more than one in five American adults struggle with some form of mental illness each year. There are few untouched – either directly or through loved ones – with the suffering that attends such struggles. What does faith
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Perfectly Human with Amy Julia Becker We live in a time when our value is often assessed and affirmed largely in terms of our productivity. Entire industries are built around pushing us to optimize our output, maximize our results, unlock our potential, break barriers and records, and perform perpetually at peak. Often drowned out by
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Practicing the Way with John Mark Comer If we are not intentionally modeling our life after Jesus, we are likely, unintentionally, being formed by something or someone else. Left to drift in the cultural current, we're likely to be carried to places we never consciously chose and wonder how we got there. Whether or not
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This Advent, we’re joined once again on our podcast by poet, priest, and songwriter Malcolm Guite. With grace and insight, Malcolm has written beautifully of the mystery of the incarnation: "We recognize that in this rich darkness, God is already at work and something is stirring." - Malcolm Guite Learn more about Malcolm Guite. Watch the
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C.S. Lewis famously credited G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man as a key step in his turn from atheism to Christian faith. The book audaciously surveyed the broad sweep of human history, then zeroed in on the Incarnation of Christ. How, Chesterton asked, could such a mysterious and startling event come to be known as the
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Heaven & Nature Sing with Hannah Anderson Advent invites us to enter into the joy of the season through rhythms of remembrance, renewal, and waiting. But often, our very familiarity with the Advent story can leave us dulled to the miracle and joy of the season. In her book of Advent reflections, Heaven and Nature
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Abraham Kuyper’s Sphere Sovereignty with Vincent Bacote In this episode of the Trinity Forum Conversations podcast, host Brian Daskam and guest Dr. Vincent Bacote explore Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper’s contributions to Reformed theology, with particular emphasis on his concept of sphere sovereignty: “Kuyper helps us to see that we can be Christian in public spaces
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For most of US history, the tensions between an abstract commitment to justice and flourishing and a political reality that so often fell far short were held within a shared sense of unity and solidarity around the ideals of the American experiment. Why is this now unraveling, creating the civic conflict, disorientation, and exhaustion we
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