Work, Justice, & the Common Good: An Online Conversation with Henry Kaestner and Dave Blanchard
In a time of growing civic fracture, how can we understand and steward the gifts and resources we have been given to serve God and others?
While work occupies most of our waking hours, it can often feel excluded from our understanding of or discussions around Christian formation and vision for flourishing. This Online Conversation will explore possibilities for faith-driven investing, redemptive entrepreneurship, and the role our work plays in the common good.
On Friday, April 22nd, we invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with the co-founder of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Henry Kaestner and Praxis co-founder Dave Blanchard to explore how God can use our vocations to connect us to a larger vision of cultivating good.
Thank you to our sponsors for their generous support of this event:
Bill & Dana Wichterman
John Moon
John and Jackie Coleman
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