From high art to pop culture, we are surrounded by images, stories, and metaphors from our earliest days. How do such symbols and metaphors shape our thinking, imagination, and assumptions — both as a person and as a people? Amidst the confusion and contradictions of current times, can we disentangle what in our thinking is truly Christian from what is merely cultural?

Karen Swallow Prior, Trinity Forum Senior Fellow and award-winning author of the new book, The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images & Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis, will join us on Friday, August 11 to help us consider how our imaginations have been shaped by the culture we inhabit. By reflecting on influences ranging from Charles Dickens to Johnny Cash, she’ll help us think about how the way we see the world has been subtly influenced by the stories we inhabit, and about paths forward from where we are now.

We invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Karen on Friday, August 11 at 1:30 p.m. ET to discuss the metaphors we live by.

Thank you to Brazos Press and Eileen and Dennis Bakke for sponsoring this event!

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