The Blessings of Limitations: an Online Conversation with Kelly Kapic

We live in an age of speed and overwhelm, where we often feel we are constantly expected to do more, move faster, work harder, brush past boundaries and limits, and shave margins. When we inevitably fail to meet all demands, we are left feeling not only exhausted and discouraged, but often disoriented and diminished.

But what if, instead of seeing our limitations as an impediment, we could learn to view them as a blessing, even a gift? In You’re Only Human, theologian and scholar Kelly Kapic offers a theologically grounded approach to understanding and receiving the gift of our human finitude.

On Friday, December 9th at 1:30 p.m. ET, the Trinity Forum invites you to join us for an Online Conversation with Kelly Kapic as he offers a way to find joy and relief in our incarnational limits and use them to foster greater freedom, spiritual growth, and deeper community.

Thank you to our sponsors for their support of this event:

Baker Publishing Group

Don and Rita Walker

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