We begin hearing stories in our earliest years. From family members, books, and movies, our imaginations are steeped in narrative. What effect do these stories have on the formation of our characters?

Dr. Vigen Guroian and Dr. Angel Parham are uniquely positioned to explore these questions. Dr. Guroian has addressed them in several books, including Tending the Heart of Virtue, which has had a wide impact and been the subject of numerous radio and newspaper interviews. In her books The Black Intellectual Tradition and the award-winning American Routes, Dr. Parham has examined the past in order to better understand how to live well in the present and envision wisely for the future.

The Trinity Forum invites you to join us on Friday, March 24 at 1:30 p.m. ET for an Online Conversation with Vigen Guroian & Angel Parham to discuss the impact of stories on the hearts and souls of those who hear them.

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