Amid cultural and political polarization in our churches and communities, many say there’s no use engaging with – or even listening to – people across the divides. All we can do, we’re told, is pick a side, ignore its flaws, and follow the crowd. For believers, is that all there is?

Joining us as part of our Navigating 2024 Faithfully series, Shirley Mullen will argue that something more is possible. In her new book, Claiming the Courageous Middle: Daring to Live and Work Together for a More Hopeful Future, Shirley offers a Christian theological framework for the “middle space,” in which we listen to one another attentively rather than dismissively, and actively pursue redemptive steps together.

We invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Shirley Mullen on Friday, July 26 at 1:30 p.m. ET, to imagine a more hopeful, grace-filled future for our communities.

Thank you to our sponsor, the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, and to our co-hosts, the National Association of Evangelicals, and Baker Academic, for their support of this event!

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