For our 100th Online Conversation, the Trinity Forum is delighted to welcome back poet, Anglican priest, and scholar, Malcolm Guite. Malcolm is the author of Waiting on the Word: A Poem a Day for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
With Malcolm, we’ll start the new year with an exploration of the word — the Word made flesh, and the words we use each day. Why are words so central for God’s design for our world? Can the creative acts of speaking and writing provide a window into what it means to be created in the image of God? And in these times, in which words often seem to be devalued, is there a place for the slow, deep language of poetry?
We invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Malcolm Guite, Friday, January 5 at 1:30 p.m. ET, on the eve of Epiphany, to begin our new year of conversation together.
Thank you to Scott and Pattei Hardman for sponsoring this event!