After Babel: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World

An Online Conversation with Andy Crouch & Jonathan Haidt

We were made for relationship — to be seen, loved, known, and committed to others. And yet we increasingly find ourselves, in the words of our guest, sociologist Jonathan Haidt, whose recent Atlantic article has ignited a national conversation on social media: “disoriented, unable to speak the same language of recognize the same truth. We are cut off from one another and from the past.” As we have grown increasingly reliant on technology and social media, he notes, “something has gone terribly wrong.”

In his most recent book, The Life We’re Looking For, bestselling author and Praxis partner Andy Crouch explores how the technology era has seduced us with a false vision of human flourishing—and how each of us can fight back, and restore true community. We are excited to welcome Jonathan Haidt and Andy Crouch for a broad-ranging discussion on the seismic effects of our technology on our personal relationships, civic institutions, and even democratic foundations — and how we might approach rethinking our technologies and reclaiming human connection.

On Friday, May 6th, we invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Andy Crouch and Jonathan Haidt to discuss how we can restore true community amidst the distractions and divisions that our society presents.

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