Do you read poetry? If so, you are in the minority. Recent data shows that less than 12% of American adults read or listened to poems in the past year. Yet roughly a third of the Bible is written in verse. In today’s world, what does poetry have to offer believers?

In his new book, Word Made Fresh: An Invitation to Poetry for the Church, professor and author Abram Van Engen shows how poetry is for everyone–and especially for Christians. He shows us how we can learn to approach poetry with joy, and have our time and attention richly rewarded.

We invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Abram Van Engen on Friday, August 23 at 1:30 p.m. ET, to explore the role of poetry in the church.

Thank you to our co-hosts, the Carver Project and Eerdmans Publishing Co. for their support of this event!

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