The increasing conflict, chaos, and moral confusion of our time has made leadership more challenging, and the role of character increasingly questioned. What does it mean to lead wisely and well? Is successful leadership defined by “winning”? How is trust built in a cynical age?

Wake Forest professor, author, and director of the The Program for Leadership and Character, Michael Lamb wrestles with such questions by exploring the link between virtue and wise leadership, and showing how character formation enables leaders to establish trust, think wisely, empower others, and persevere through difficult times.

The Trinity Forum invites you to join us on Friday, February 17th at 1:30 p.m. ET for an Online Conversation with Michael to better understand how character is formed, why it matters, and how it can contribute to personal, communal, and civic flourishing.

Thank you to our sponsors Sam & Betsy Funk and Claudius & Deirdre Modesti for their support of this event! 

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