In the midst of our heated contemporary geopolitical debates over immigration and refugee policy, it is all too easy to forget that the challenges around migration are as old as human sojourning, and the Bible speaks directly to the faithful about our orientation to and care for the strangers in our midst, with story after story about caring for the sojourner and extending hospitality to strangers. How do those texts speak into our current realities – and how does our own experience inform our encounter with Scripture?
Wheaton College Old Testament scholar and author of The Bible and Borders: Hearing God’s Word on Immigration, Dr. M. Daniel Carroll Rodas, will join us on Friday, June 23, to explore these questions. We’ll consider how the Biblical story helps us understand questions around refugees and migration in the modern world, and how these realities can help us more fully appreciate the depths of the Biblical text.
We invite you to join the Trinity Forum and Restoration Immigration Legal Aid for an Online Conversation with Daniel on Friday, June 23 at 1:30 p.m. ET to discuss the biblical call to care for the sojourner.
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