Gift Logic & Abundant Life: An Online Conversation with Louis Kim and Tim Soerens

We often think of the joyful experiences of our lives as intimate, personal, bound to a time or place, and marked by love and a generosity of spirit. Such experiences often seem both set apart from and sustaining the workaday demands of modern life.

But what if joy, and the logic and disposition that bears it, could be more fully and broadly experienced, not only in our personal lives, but also our civic life? What would it mean to prioritize generosity and gifts in all of their grace in our economic thinking and social structures?

It is a topic that Comment examines in their winter issue under a thematic canopy construed as “The Gift Logic.” In this next event held in partnership with Trinity Forum and Comment, we’ll welcome technology executive Louis Kim and social entrepreneur Tim Soerens to explore what it would mean to expand and scale the gift logic in our work and communities.

Join us for this Online Conversation on Friday, March 11 at 1:30pm EST. Registration is free, but required. Once you register you will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom webinar.

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