Faith in an Empirical World:

An Online Conversation with Ard Louis and Tremper Longman

We live in an era where science and faith are widely believed to be in conflict. A spreading materialism asserts, even assumes, that only empirical knowledge is reliable, and denigrates ways of understanding reality beyond the quantitative. Others believe that the realms of science and religion are entirely separate — each with interesting things to say, but nothing to say to each other. In this Online Conversation, we’ll offer a different hypothesis: that science and faith actually have things to say to each other and to us in enabling us to better understand ourselves, our minds, our world, and its originator and designer. And that contemplating the complexity of our Cosmos, and the mystery of our self and soul, may cultivate a new sense of wonder, awe, and even worship – a doxology amidst discovery.

On Friday, May 20th, we invite you to join us for an Online Conversation with Dr. Tremper Longman, professor of biblical studies, and Ard Louis, professor of theoretical physics, to discuss how we can cultivate faithful epistemology in a culture marked by conflict and confusion.

This event is held in partnership with Biologos and Church of the Advent and made possible with the support of Templeton Religion Trust. 

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