Character & Courage in the 21st Century

How do we cultivate both character and courage in the midst of a time of increasing division, distraction, and derision? What does it mean to live wisely as a person of faith amidst the challenges of the 21st century? 

We invite you to join fellow young leaders, students, and recent graduates to ask these questions through a forum hosted by the Trinity Forum, Pepperdine University, Grove City College, and the American Enterprise Institute on “Character & Courage in the 21st Century” in Washington, DC on April 7th.

In the course of this gathering, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and explore, in both theoretical and practical ways, the current challenges to character on both an individual and national scale, and the means of developing the courage needed for coming times. Moderated by Trinity Forum president Cherie Harder and political strategist and author Michael Wear, the discussion will draw on key classical and contemporary literature to help us wrestle with these questions. 

The forum will take place from 9am – 4pm at the Pepperdine DC campus and breakfast and lunch will be provided.

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