The Trinity Forum invites you to a reception in honor of Curt Thompson, MD and the release of his new book The Deepest Place.

Date: Wednesday, November 15

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


The Trinity Forum

1015 18th St. NW

12th Floor

Washington, DC 20036


Please RSVP below. Space is limited, and registration is free but required. We will establish a waiting list if needed based on registrations.

The Deepest Place was published in August 2023.

“Curt Thompson has done it again! No other voice today more skillfully weaves together expertise in psychology, neurobiology, and biblical theology and threads it all together with pastoral sensitivity and graceful writing. Curt brings all of this to bear on the most perplexing aspect of human existence: suffering. The book does not explain away pain with platitudes but tenderly examines human suffering in the raw, especially via stories from Curt’s own medical practice. Most importantly, the book takes readers to that deepest place indeed: the path marked out by Jesus and the apostle Paul, where we are invited to go through suffering with the hope of God’s redemption. It is a path we all must travel–and we are blessed to have Curt as a guide.”
Curtis Chang, author of The Anxiety Opportunity, host of the Good Faith podcast, consulting professor, Duke Divinity School, and senior fellow, Fuller Theological Seminary

“Curt Thompson has the prophetic audacity to suggest that the agonies you have suffered in life can be redeemed . . . but the redemption of your pain will require interpersonal relationships. Trauma and pain begin to heal when our stories are witnessed by an empathetic other. In The Deepest Place, Thompson invites you to reimagine how your suffering can be redeemed by engaging your story with others.”
Adam Young, therapist and host of The Place We Find Ourselves podcast

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