Resurgent Populism & the Church: a Pastor Breakfast on October 12th

Evangelical Christianity has long been associated with a kind of religious populism—a reaction to established religious authority and appeal to the experience of common people. How should we think about the kind of resurgent populism that is evident in politics and the broader culture—a suspicion of educated authorities, of established institutions, and traditional authority figures? How is political populism effecting the church?

We hope you will join us for a small, private breakfast with fellow local pastors and Nathan Hatch on Tuesday, October 12th at 8:30 a.m. at the Trinity Forum office.

Dr. Nathan Hatch served as President of Wake Forest University for 16 years. While leading Wake Forest, U.S. News and World Report named Wake Forest 23rd among 281 national universities – the highest ever ranking for the University. Dr. Hatch is an active leader in American higher education and in local and community affairs. He has served on the board of the American Council on Education and was Chair of the Division I Board of Directors of the NCAA. He is regularly cited as one of the most influential scholars in the study of the history of religion in America. He received national acclaim for his book, The Democratization of American Christianity, in which he examines how the rise of religious groups in the early 19th century helped shape American culture and foster democracy.

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