The relentless pull and pressure of partisan antagonisms and tribalism have fractured friendships, families, communities — and churches. In a time of conflict over what is good and confusion over what is true, what can church leaders do to cultivate a more faithful form of civic engagement? How can we learn to discern the call to love and justice amidst the clamor of political wars?

In March, we’re inviting three incisive speakers to address this question. Curtis Chang, David French, and Russell Moore are each writers, scholars, and thinkers who have made courageous and insightful contributions towards a better Christian politics.

In partnership with Redeeming BabelThe Trinity Forum invites you to join us for an Evening Conversation at the National Press Club on Tuesday, March 21st from 6:30 – 8:30 pm with Curtis, David, and Russell to explore the challenges faced by church leaders and to discuss how communities of faith can cultivate, articulate, and embody a deeply faithful pursuit of justice for the common good. The conversation will also touch on their collaboration toward this end through a new Redeeming Babel project, The After Party: Towards Better Christian Politics.The evening will begin with drinks and appetizers, followed by remarks and discussion and a time for audience questions.

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