Curbing the Culture Wars: An Evening Conversation with Yuval Levin & Brandon Vaidyanathan

As the intensity of our culture war politics intensifies, partisan conflict and division have spread far outside their usual boundaries. Increasingly, virtually any sphere of life has grown politicized, shaded in either red or blue. Neighbors become online adversaries online, and once-independent institutions become platforms for political theater.

So what are the proper boundaries between the various spheres of our lives? Is it possible to discern and develop distinct domains between education, church, family, politics, and finance in a way that is complementary and supportive, rather than either atomizing or totalizing? Can our culture wars be contained and curbed, or are they destined to invade and poison every nook and cranny of life?

On Tuesday, May 24th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm we invite you to join us for an Evening Conversation with National Affairs editor Yuval Levin and sociologist and professor Brandon Vaidyanathan on how we can envision and develop new habits and models that lead us toward more coherent lives and contribute to the common good.

This event is part of an ongoing partnership between Trinity Forum and Comment Magazine, drawing together Comment contributors for conversations that bring the pages of the journal to life. The evening will begin with drinks and appetizers, followed by remarks and a time for audience questions.

COVID Protocols 

  • The National Press Club requires all guests to provide proof of vaccination and a government-issued ID in order to enter the premises.
  • More information on the National Press Club’s COVID policies and procedures can be found here:


Special thanks to New Pluralist Initiative for their support of this event

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