Science, Faith, Trust, and Truth: An Evening Conversation with Francis Collins
We live in confusing times. Between being awash in data, pummeled with misinformation, surrounded by spin, and addled by an outrage industry, even the most discerning can find it difficult to know what to trust, who to listen to, and how to sift conflicting information streams. Increasingly, we are divided not merely along the lines of difference over values, but over reality. How, in the midst of so much vehement disagreement and alternative facts, do we apprehend what is real and reliable? What or whom should we trust? If living wisely requires rightly discerning reality, how do we learn to seek and see what is true?
On July 19, we invite you to join us for an Evening Conversation with geneticist and former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins on “Science, Faith, Trust and Truth,” to explore ways of addressing our epistemic crisis and learning how to develop discernment of and desire for what is real in the midst of confusion and conflict. The evening will begin with drinks and appetizers, followed by remarks and a time for audience questions.
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