Harry Stout is Jonathan Edwards Professor of American Religious History at Yale University, where he has appointments in history, religious studies, and American studies and at the Divinity School. He was also previously co-director of the Center for Religion and American Life at Yale.
Dr. Stout is the author of several books, including: Upon the Altar of the Nation, A Jonathan Edwards Reader, and Dictionary of Christianity in America. He has also co-edited Religion in American Life, a 17-volume study of the impact of religion on American history for adolescent readers and public schools (with Jon Butler). He is the general editor of both The Works of Jonathan Edwards for Yale University Press and the Religion in America series for Oxford University Press. He has written articles for the Journal of Social History, Journal of American Studies, Journal of American History, Theological Education, Computers and the Humanities, and Christian Scholar’s Review. He is a contributor to the Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching, Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, and the Reader’s Encyclopedia of the American West. In 2003, Stout was awarded the Robert Cherry Award for Great Teaching.
His courses include reading and research seminars in American religious and cultural History, Jonathan Edwards, and the American Civil War. His graduate courses include seminars on American revivalism and Jonathan Edwards.
Stout earned his B.A. from Calvin College and did graduate work at Princeton Theological Seminary before earning his master’s and doctoral degrees at Kent State University.
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